WBSETCL Exam Admit Cards for recruitment 2014 - wbsetcl.imscripts.com

The West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited (WBSETCL) was in limelight before few days as it has announced for the recruitment for various posts such as Junior Engineer, Manager, Stenographer and many more on wbsetcl.imscripts.com. The selection procedure is by way if checking the performance in the written exams and then calling the selected candidates for interview and further recruitment process. So the WBSETCL is going to take the first step by conducting the recruitment exams. The admit cards for the exams to be conducted is available on the official site of WBSETCL.

The West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited is in existence since 2007. The function of the company is to transmit the electricity in the state of West Bengal. Before establishment of the West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited and West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited, the work of distribution and transmission of electricity in the state of West Bengal was carried out by the West Bengal State Electricity Board. To carry out it’s functions, the West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited requires technical staff and so the recruitment at various posts are to be made.

The recruitment exams for the post of as Junior Engineer, Manager, Stenographer and others are to be held on 2nd February, 2014 on Sunday so that it will be flexible for appearing in the exams for working candidates. After successful completion of the application procedure, it’s time to conduct exams to select from the lots of candidates who have applied for the recruitment. The company has issued the admit cards for the exams on the official site. The candidates who have applied for the same can download the admit cards by following the path given below for their ready reference.

To download the Admit Cards for the exams to be held in February, 2014 follow the following steps:
·         Visit the site http://wbsetcl.imscripts.com/
·         Click on the link “Download Your Admit Card” given on the webpage along with other links
·         A dialog box will appear, enter your Registration Number and Date of Birth in the place provided in the dialog box
·         Click on “Get Admit Card Download Link”
·         You will be redirected to the admit card downloading link
·         You can download the same by providing the details asked further
·         Take print out of the same

To be eligible to appear in the exams you are required to carry the admit card with you. And youe seat number and center of exams will be stated on the same.


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