Admit Cards for SFSL Researcher Exams Madhya Pradesh 2014 -

The Exams for selecting candidates for recruiting at the post of Researchers are to be conducted by the State Forensic Science Laboratory of the Madhya Pradesh State within short time. Many candidates who were interested and eligible for making application have applied for the job. And now when the application procedure is finished, the State Forensic Science Laboratory of Madhya Pradesh is going to publish the Admit cards for the candidates who are going to appear for the exams.

The State Forensic Science Laboratory (SFSL) of Madhya Pradesh does best quality work to be relied upon. It carries out different kinds of tests whether they are related to health or for any other purpose, such as reports related to crime branch. Working with the SFSL is very adventurous. The SFSL of Madhya Pradesh has given chance to the general public for applying for the vacancy of Researchers. The same was announced in the month of November, 2013 and the application procedure started in the same time span and lasted till 20th December, 2013. The age limit for applying for the post was 18 to 45 years.

Now the exams are to be held in the month of January, 2014 the State Forensic Science Laboratory of Madhya Pradesh is going to provide the admit cards very soon to the candidates who are going to appear for the exams. The same will be available on the official site. He candidates who want to download the admit cards can download the same by following the given path.

To download the Admit Cards for the exams which is going  to be held in January, 2014 to download Admint Card follow the following steps:
·         Visit the site
·         The link for “Admit Card for Researchers Exams by SFSL Madhya Pradesh - 2014” or any other name with the same meaning will appear as soon as the admit cards are published
·         Click on the link and Enter the Details such as Application ID, Date of Birth and other required details
·         Then you get a PDF file which will contain your admit card
·         Save and take a Print of your Admit Card

The candidates who are going to appear for the researchers exam are advised to carry their admit cards along with them as they will not be allowed to appear in the exams if the same is not available to the candidate. Your admit card will contain information like your Name, Sear number, center of exam and many other details.


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