Ticket Collector & Commercial Clerk Exam 2014 Results declared by RRB Secunderabad - Download from official portal
The competitive
exams were conducted by the RRB of Secunderabad for selection of candidates at
the pos of Ticket Collector & Commercial Clerk (TC & CC). After the
selection in examination, the documents of the candidates were also verified
for various days from 12th May, 2014 to 21st May 2014.
Now the results for the recruitment are declared by the RRB of Secunderabad.
It can be said
that the Railway industry is one of the largest industry in Indian for
transportation of goods and passengers allover India.
It is a highly complicated job to provide such a marvelous service to whole
country. It can be ranked as the best management unit as it conducts management
of trains to provide superior services to people as well as organizations. It
requires large scale of labor and so to recruit such labor Indian Railway has
introduced the Railway Recruitment Boards and Cells. The Board carries out the work of recruitment in the
vacancies generated in various posts of railway. There are 21 Railway
Recruitment Boards in the country situated at different places like Mumbai, Ahmadabad, Bangalore, and
Bhubaneswar etc.
The management of the Railway Recruitment
Boards is handled by the Railway Recruitment Cell. The recruitment of staff for
respective region is made by the board whenever the vacancies arise in their
region. For the recruitment of Ticket Collector and Commercial Clerk, RRB
Secunderabad has conducted the stage wise exams for selection of candidates.
The competitive exams for first stage were undertaken on 1st
September, 22nd September and 6th October, 2013. While
the exams for second stage was conducted on 19th January, 2014. Now
the RRB Secunderabad has also made available the results for the same.
Bilaspur Recruitment exams 2014 result can be downloaded by going through the
following path:
Separate section is provided by the site for the results,
visit the same
You will be able to see the link for “RRB Bilaspur Result”
Click on the “Exam Result” button from the list of menu given
on the left hand side
A new tab will open which will contain a PDF file of the list
of roll numbers of the candidates who have cleared the exams
You have to find your roll number and if you find the same
you are enough lucky to crack the recruitment exams conducted by RRB Bilaspur.

RRB Bilaspur TC/CC Results at rrbbilaspur.gov.in declared Result 2014 - Download Results
The candidates
who were awaiting the results of
competitive exams conducted by the RRB
of Bilaspur for the posts of TC/CC
will now be able to check and download their results on the official site of
RRB Bilaspur rrbbilaspur.gov.in.
Exams were successfully completed in the month of January 2014 rrbbilaspur.gov.in. Exams were
conducted for the selection of candidates for the post of Ticket Collector and Commercial Clerk. Recruitment is to be
conducted for the Non Technical Popular Categories (Undergraduate Categories)
It can be said
that no other industry is as large as the Indian Railway for transportation of
goods and passengers all over India.
It is a highly complicated job to provide such a marvelous service to whole
country. It can be ranked as the best management unit as it conducts management
of trains to provide superior services to people as well as organizations. It
requires large scale of labour and so to recruit such labour Indian Railway has
introduced the Railway Recruitment Boards and Cells. The Board carries out the work of recruitment in the vacancies
generated in various posts of railway. There are 21 Railway Recruitment Boards
in the country situated at different places like Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, and Bhubaneswar
As we know that the Railway Recruitment
Boards are handled by the Railway Recruitment Cell. The Board of respective
region recruits the staff whenever the vacancies arise in their region. For the
recruitment of TC and CC RRB of Bilaspur has conducted the second stage exams
on 19th January, 2014. Now the results are out for the same. SO
candidates who have appeared for the same can check their results from the
following path:
The RRB Bilaspur Recruitment exams
result can be downloaded by going through the following path:
Separate section is provided by the site for the results,
visit the same
You will be able to see the link for “RRB Bilaspur 04/2010
Click on the “Exam Result” button from the list of menu given
on the left hand side
A new tab will open which will contain a PDF file of the list
of roll numbers of the candidates who have cleared the exams
You have to find your roll number and if you find the same
you are enough lucky to crack the recruitment exams conducted by RRB Bilaspur.
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