47 vacancies in MSAMB - Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board - msamb.com
Recently Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing
Board, Pune released notification for various posts in their all various
departments at msamb.com. They are
inviting candidates to fill 47 posts in their all various departments msamb.com. The main purpose of this
application is to manage their work function and progress. We are providing
here some detail regarding this application like Name of organization,
Educational qualification, Age limit given below. So that candidates who are
eligible and interested can apply for it easily visit at msamb.com.
Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board, Pune was established in 23rd, March 1984 msamb.com. Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board, Pune was
doing their best work in agricultural Marketing in the state and archived
success in various area of the country as well in the State of Maharashtra msamb.com. MSAMB is playing an important
role in developing and coordinating agricultural marketing system in the State
of Maharashtra. Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board, Pune was setup
for export various fresh fruits, vegetable & processed food products since
last twenty five years. MSAMB has various departments and many employees to
manage their work function and also to give their best services to the state
and also their customers. From last twenty five years Maharashtra State
Agricultural Marketing Board, Pune gives their best services to their customers
as well state.
Vacancies: MSAMB - Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board, Pune.
Number of Vacancies: 47
- Assistant Manager: 11
- Horticulture Development Officer: 14
- Development Officer: 7
- Junior Engineer: 10 (Civil-5, Mechanical-3, Electrical-2)
- Senior Assistant: 5
Educational Qualification:
· Candidate’s educational qualification for various posts in Maharashtra
State Agricultural Marketing Board, Pune must have done Degree in Agriculture /
Horticulture/ Biotechnology/ Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical or have done MBA/
MBM in Agriculture from a recognized university are eligible.
Age Limit: The Candidates
age limit should be between 18 to 45 years old as on 01 March, 2014. MSAMB
provides age relaxations which are given as per rules.
Important dates for Application:
· The starting date for applying online is 01 March, 2014
· Last date for submitting application form is 21 March, 2014
Application Fees:
Application fees for various posts in Maharashtra Agricultural Marketing Board,
Pune State for unreserved category candidate have to pay RS. 400 and reserved
category candidates have to pay RS. 200. For Disabled Ex-Servicemen category
candidates No fee required.
Process: The Candidates who are going to apply to Maharashtra
Agricultural Marketing Board, Pune they have to apply online through the official
website www.msamb.com. The candidates can
get an application form from there they have to fill an application with prescribed
formats, which is given on the site and applicant have to make ready his all
required certificates and documents and submit it online. Then applicant have
to take print out of application for further use of it.
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