2794 vacancies in Karnataka State Police Recruitment at ksp.gov.in
The Karnataka State Police is the Law
enforcement agency for the Indian state of Karnataka ksp.gov.in. The force of headed by an officer of the rank of
Director General of Police. The police station of Karnataka state is the lowest
functional units of the police department ksp.gov.in.
The main purpose The Karnataka State Police is Protect the lives and liberties
of the people from criminal and anti- social elements. Co-ordinate of The
Karnataka State Police with other departments of Criminal Justice System is
very strong. Karnataka State Police trying to earn the good will, support and
active assistance of the community every day. In The Karnataka State Police Each
of the Additional Directors General of Police is in charge of a particular
function like Law and Order, Crime and Technical Services, Administration and
many more.
Recently the
Karnataka State Police released notification for the post of Police to fill
2794 post. Every year to manage their various departments and work function
various departments The Karnataka State Police comes out. To improve their
services to the public they need more strong candidates for their field. Detail
regarding these application like Name of organization, Number of vacancies,
educational qualification and many more detail given below as a ready reference.
Eligible and interested candidates can apply on it.
Name of
Organization: Karnataka State Police (KSP).
Number of Vacancies: 2794
- For men: 2236 vacancies
- For Women: 558 vacancies
Pay Scale: Pay scale of
candidates for the post of Police in Karnataka State Police will be RS. 5800 to
RS. 10,500/- given as Salary.
Educational Qualification:
· Educational qualification for the post of police in Karnataka State
Police the candidates must have passed PUC, 12th STD (12th Std-CBSE, 12th
Std-ICSE, 12th Std- SSE), JOC, JLC, Equivalent examination.
Age Limit: The Candidates
age should be between 19 years to 25 years as on 27-03-2014. Age relaxation is
applicable as per the Government rules and regulation and 2 years for SC/ ST
Important date for Application:
· Starting Date for Submission of Online Application: 26-02-2014
· Last Date for Submission of Online Application: 27-03-2014
· Last Date for Payment of Application Form: 28-03-2014
Application Fees: The
Candidates who belongs to General Category should have to RS. 250/- and SC/ST/
Candidates must pay Rs.150/- as application fee.
Process: The candidates who want to apply for the
post of police in The Karnataka State Police they should have to apply online
through official website www.ksp.gov.in
before last date of the application. The candidates who are going to apply for these
posts carefully read instruction and have to fill online application with
required detail, certificates and documents and also submit application online.
At last take a print out of application for further use of it.
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