265 UPSC Geologist Recruitment Exam - 2014 at upsconline.nic.in
The Union Public Service Commission is India's central agency authorized to conduct the various
activities which is related to public services which is specially related to
examination upsconline.nic.in. The Union Public Service Commission is
appointed by the President of India upsconline.nic.in.
UPSC was established in on October 1, 1926. UPSC has a large number of members
for their various departments. Union Public services was set up for commission’s
services under the state to provide a public service for great union in each
state of the country. UPSC gives there owner able services to the public that’s
the reason that why The Union Public Service Commission grownup more day by
Currently The
Union Public Service Commission released notification for various posts to fill
265 posts in their all various departments. Many Candidates are eagerly waiting
for this opportunity so that is the good chance for all those candidates who
are eagerly waiting for this application. So all detail about these application
given below so that eligible and interested candidates can go through given in
Name of
Organization: Union Public Service Commission
Number of Vacancies: 265 posts.
Posts: For Detail about post in UPSC should have to
refer notification in official website.
Educational Qualification:
· The Candidates educational qualification for various posts in UPSC must
possess the qualification of Master’s Degree in Geological Science or Geology
or Applied Geology in relevant discipline from any recognized university for the
post of Geologist.
· Also must have possessed M.Sc. in Physics or Applied Physics or M.Sc.
(Geophysics) in relevant discipline form a University for the post of
· Also must possessed M.Sc. in Chemistry or Applied Chemistry or
Analytical Chemistry from a University for Chemist Posts, Master’s Degree in
Geology or Applied Geology or Marine Geology from university for the post of
Junior Hydro-geologist.
Age Limit: The Candidates
age limit in this UPSC Exam should be 21 years to 32 years as on 01-08-2014.
For Geologist Posts candidates should be born between 02-08-1982 to 01-08-1993
while Age should be 21 to 35 years as on 01-08-2014 & should be born
between 02-08-1979 to 01-08-1993 for Geo-Scientist Posts. Age relaxation will
be applicable as per Government rules and regulations.
Important date for Application:
• Date for Advertisement: 01-03-2014
• Starting Date for UPSC Exam Form Submission of Online Application:
• Last Date for UPSC Exam Applying Online: 31-03-2014
• Date of Written examination: 25-05-2014
Application Fees: The
Candidates are required to pay RS. 200/- while SC/ ST/ Ex-serviceman category
candidates are exempted from paying application fee for various posts in UPSC.
Process: The candidates who are eagerly waiting for
the post in UPCS they have to apply online through official website www.upsconline.nic.in and fill
application with prescribed format and submit it online with copies of required
documents and certificates.
Selection Procedure: The UPSC Exam selection for various
posts for the Candidates will be based on their performance in their in
written examination, interview and personal interview.
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