OEF - Ordance Equipment Factory - 38 posts - Recruitment 2014 - oefkanpur.gov.in

Equipment Factory (OEF) has declared a latest
Notification is out now in form of recruitment as Ordance Equipment Factory
(OEF) Recruitment 2014 for filling posts of Group C and Group D against total
recruitment of 38 vacancies. OEF recruitment 2014 is inviting applications in
order to recruit 38 vacancies on site oefkanpur.gov.in
before due date. OEF is going to recruit for the 38 various posts and
notification, which announced is published on the official website oefkanpur.gov.in.
Equipment Factory (OEF) Recruitment 2014 is right
now recruiting for the T.G.T, CMD(OG), Photographer, Supervisor grade III,
Teacher Primary, Cook (Canteen), Fireman, etc… and regarding notification is
already out now. So, for OEF recruitment 2014 those who willing to apply can
submit their form on website www.oefkanpur.gov.in
before due date.
of the Recruiter: Ordance Equipment Factory (OEF)
of Vacancies: 38 Posts
of Posts/ Vacancies In:
T.G.T - (2 Posts)
Teacher Primary - (1 Post)
Fireman - (1 Post)
Cook (Canteen) - (1 Post)
Photographer - (1 Post)
Supervisor grade III - (1
CMD(OG) - (1 Post)
Multitasking staff - (23
L.D.C - (7 Posts)
Scale: For OEF recruitment pay scale for the
different posts will be as follows:
For T.G.T pay scale will be
9300 -34,800 + grade pay of Rs. 4600/-.
For Teacher Primary pay
scale will be 9300 -34,800 + grade pay of Rs. 4200/-.
For Fireman pay scale will
be 5200 -20,200 + grade pay of Rs. 1900/-.
For Cook (Canteen) pay scale
will be 5200 -20,200 + grade pay of Rs. 1900/-.
For Photographer pay scale
will be 5200 -20,200 + grade pay of Rs. 1900/-.
For Supervisor grade III pay
scale will be 5200 -20,200 + grade pay of Rs. 1900/-.
For CMD(OG) pay scale will
be 5200 -20,200 + grade pay of Rs. 1900/-.
For Multitasking staff pay
scale will be 5200 -20,200 + grade pay of Rs. 1800/-.
For L.D.C pay scale will be
5200 -20,200 + grade pay of Rs. 1900/-.
For more details of pay scale of OEF
recruitment read notification.
Limit: OEF recruitment, age of the candidates
should be between 18 years to 30 years for various posts. For more details read
notification. OEF recruitment, age relaxation is applicable for these 38 posts
as per the Govt. rules.
Starting date for OEF
recruitment online application date: 5.4.2014
Last date for OEF recruitment
online application: 26.4.2014
Last date for receipt of OEF
recruitment form: 2.5.2014
Fees: For OEF recruitment candidates who are
interested for the post have to pay Rs. 50 for unreserved categories and No
fees for reserved ctetories.
to Apply: For OEF recruitment, the Candidate who
want to apply for the post of T.G.T, CMD(OG), Photographer, Supervisor grade
III, Teacher Primary, Cook (Canteen), Fireman, etc… they have to apply online
on main portal site at www.oefkanpur.gov.in. The Candidates can get application
form of OEF recruitment from the official site,
and then they have to fill it with necessary details for 38 posts and
submit the application.
Procedure: Candidates have to pass through written
test, typing test and Interview to get selected for the post of Ordance
Equipment Factory (OEF) Recruitment 2014.
Website: oefkanpur.gov.in
205 Vacancies in Ordnance Factory Kanpur Recruitment - 2014 at oefkanpur.gov.in

Recently to get more hard working and good employees there are
released notification for Group C Posts. They are inviting candidates to fill
205 Group C Posts. To make their work function and departments every year they come
out with the recruitment for various posts. So candidates who are interested
for this post, here we are providing some detail about this recruitment like Educational
qualification, Age limit, Application fees etc. Eligible and interested candidates
can apply for it.
Vacancies In: Ordnance Equipment Factory (OEF),
Number of Vacancies: 205
Posts: Group C Posts.
- Welder: 15 Posts
- Carpenter: 10 Posts
- Electrician: 10 Posts
- Fitter General: 01 Post
- Machinist Leather: 30 Posts
- Leather Worker: 23 Posts
- Tailor (Men): 116 Posts
Educational Qualification:
Ordnance Equipment Factory, Kanpur is required for the post of Group C that the
candidates must have passed Matriculation (10th) or equivalent examination +
NAC/ NTC issued by NCVT.
Age Limit: Candidates age
must be for above mentioned post should be between 18 years to 32 years as on
the last date of application. (Ordnance Equipment Factory, Kanpur also provides
Age relaxation applicable as per Government rules and regulations.)
Important dates for Application:
· Starting Date for Submission of OEF Posts online Applications:
· Last Date for Submission of OEF Posts online Applications:
· Last Date for Receipt of OEF Posts Application form: 28-03-2014
Application Fees: Application
fees for General and other unreserved candidates must pay RS. 500/- as
application fee while SC/ ST / Ex-Serviceman/ PHP & Women candidates are
exempted from paying the application fee for above post.
Process: The Candidates who want to apply for the
post of Group C in Ordnance Equipment Factory Kanpur they have to apply online
through official website www.oefkanpur.gov.in.
.To fill application foam candidates have to follow required step to fill safe
and properly applying. At last take
print out of application for further use of it.
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