1957 Vacancies in MAHADISCOM Recruitment 2014 - mahadiscom.com
Recently Maharashtra
State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. Recruitment released a notification
at mahadiscom.com for the post of
Substation Assistant they are inviting candidates can fill up application form
for 1957 posts in their all various departments mahadiscom.com. Many candidates are interested to apply for the
above post in Maharashtra State
Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. Recruitment mahadiscom.com. The Candidates who are interested and eligible for
the given post for them, we provide here some information like Educational
qualification, Application Process, Age limit etc. The Candidates have to fill
required criteria.
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.
Recruitment was established in 6 June 2005. Maharashtra State Electricity
Distribution Co. Ltd. Recruitment has second largest electricity distribution
utility in the world. Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.
Recruitment has announced a notification of Substation Assistant Posts like Sub
Engineer, Junior Engineer, Sub Programmer and other posts. All candidates
invited for fill up 1957 Posts in Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution
Co. Ltd. Recruitment. This recruitment is offered new job openings for all
struggling and jobless people in government sector. There is 1957 vacancies for
this posts issued by this recruitment.
Vacancies In: Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd
Name of the
Posts: MAHADISCOM offers Substation Assistant post for recruitment.
Qualification: Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission requires that
Candidates must possess the qualification of Higher Secondary, 12th with
qualified in Electrician courses and along with NCTVT certificate for the post
of Substation assistant in Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd
Age Limit:
Age limit of the all Candidates age should be between 18 to 27 years as on
01-02-2014 for Substation Assistant post in Maharashtra State Electricity
Distribution Co. Ltd. (In Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd
recruitment also the age relaxation will be applicable as per Government rules
and regulations).
Fees: The General, OBC and unreserved Candidates must have needed to pay
RS. 400/- and SC/ST and reserved candidates must have needed to pay RS. 200/-
as application fee in the form through online or offline mode.
Process: The Candidates who are going wish to apply in Maharashtra State
Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. Recruitment for the post of Substation Assistant
they have to apply online and send their application form to the MAHADISCOM’s
official website at www.mahadiscom.com. On or
before 25-03-2014. The Candidates have
to get an application form from the Official Website and fill it with all
required detail and documents, certificates and submit it online carefully. At
last take print out of it for further use of it.
Procedure: Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. Recruitment
will select the Candidates for the post of Substation assistant based on the
candidate’s performance in Online Test. They question will be objective type
Multiple Choice question test.
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