- Admit Cards for Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) - 2014 Download JEST Hall Tickets 

The most awaited exams by the students waiting to get admissions in best institutions of India for the Ph. D / Integrated Ph. D Program in Physics or Theoretical Computer Science or Neuroscience will be conducted on 16th February, 2014. When the exam was announced, lots of candidates have applied for the same. Last date of application was extended from 10th December, 2013 to 15th December, 2013. It also gave a chance to the candidates who lapsed the initial time of applying for JEST. Now the admit cards for the examination are made available on the official site of JEST.

The JEST exams are conducted by the JEST authority on behalf of the participating institutions. The students who want to get admission in Ph. D / Integrated Ph. D Program in Physics or Theoretical Computer Science or Neuroscience in the participating institutions have to apply and appear for the JEST exams. After cracking JEST exams, candidates will be admitted in participating institutions on the basis of marks in the JEST exams. Eligibility criteria of different participating institutions are different. Some of the institutions provide eligibility to the candidates who are going to complete their final examinations by August.

The candidates can download their hall tickets which will be required for the JEST exam from the official site of JEST. They must carry their hall tickets at the examination center as it is the utmost requirement and you will not be eligible to sit in exams without presenting the hall ticket.

Following path can be used to download the Admit Cards for the JEST exams to be held in February 2014:
·         Visit the link
·         Login with the site by entering your E-mail ID, password and captcha
·         Visit the link available for downloading the JEST 2014 Admit card
·         You will have to enter details like your registration number, Gender, Date of Birth, Verification Code, etc
·         Click on the finalization button to download admit card
·         The admit card that will be displayed can be downloaded
·         You can also take print out of the same and store it in your computer memory or secondary storage device

Many other exam related instructions are also made available on the official site of JEST. Come of the instructions are like the accounts of candidates, who have not paid fees within given date, have been blocked by the authority. And the other instruction is that, candidates may require scientific calculators to solve some problems. But only non-programmable calculators are allowed to be carried with in the examination hall. We wish all candidates best of their lucks for the exams and marvelous future ahead!


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